Brand Identity
It has been expounded by most marketing gurus, branding is not a campaign. It is the culture of the institution that comes from within, like, a distinct standard of doing things that is appealing to the market. Behaviors, not just basic human values, are critical to building great brands. People generally want to have the best things or do the right things, and they go to where it can be found.
The CLSU brand of doing things right, practicing the virtues of patience, appreciating hard work, and total guarantee of outstanding outputs have been realized through time. Such branding is embodied in its contemporary university tagline Nurturing a Culture of Excellence. And as always, such kind of branding is never ending, unless, perfection has been attained.

The Central Luzon State University has evolved from a farm school established on April 12, 1907 to an agricultural college inaugurated in January 6, 1952 towards a full blown university by virtue of RA No. 4067 signed on June 18, 1964. Such transformation has made the institution become a uniquely distinguished trailblazer in the field of agricultural research and education.
Much of its character is gleaned from the perspectives of agricultural science encompassing aquatic and natural resource disciplines. Being a comprehensive university in these modern times, CLSU did not deter in promoting and imbibing the CLSU culture based on the wisdom of hard work from the fields to the classroom. Thus, the dynamism of its development rests on the unification of the virtues of patience and discipline in seeking knowledge, and insights in the preservation of its traditions and smart introduction of innovations, which are all instilled and passed on to its generations of graduates.
Since its 100th year of being an institution, CLSU has modernized its approach in its academic marketing. Thus, paving for upholding a unique brand of Universityhood carried out through an unspoken language of excellent conduct by its constituents and a host of well-regarded symbolisms.
Brand Purpose
The ultimate driving force of the University is to create a difference to the lives of people thus, its purpose remains which is to:
Deliver Excellent Service to Humanity
Brand Positioning
While the University is known as a prestigious stateinstitutions of higher learning in the country, it is also considered as one of the premier institutions in agricultural research and development, thus making its way to be known as:
A World-class National Research University for S&T in Agriculture and Allied Fields
The Tagline
To communicate the brand message of the University succinctly and clearly such as its purpose, mission, and culture, it has been summarized to the following catchphrases:
Nurturing a Culture of Excellence
Keeping Agriculture as a Way of Life