College of Science

The CoS aims to foster equality among people and empowering communities through quality science and mathematics education. Its duty is to produce globally competent and committed scientists and educators in the different fields of science in preparation for their service in their communities.
Bachelor Courses
The program is a generalized framework of study with the end view of grounding students with the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of the biological, natural and physical sciences, and the conduct of research. This includes the acquisition of appropriate skills and training in the efficient processing and presentation of information in both written and oral form in a global setting.
The program is designed to provide students the ability to generate new knowledge and innovation related to the environment, to contribute to the protection and management of the environment, and to analyze local environmental issues and problems in the regional and global context by applying appropriate multidisciplinary and integrated tools and approaches related to environmental problems and concerns.
The program enhances analytical and critical thinking skills. The program provides substantial exposure to the breadth and depth of mathematics from classical to contemporary, from theoretical to applied, and from foundational courses in core areas of mathematics to some advanced courses.
The program is designed for students who are interested in Statistics and Data Science. It equips students with the fundamental knowledge and training necessary to develop their conceptual, computational, mathematical, and communication skills for data acquisition and management, data analysis and visualization techniques, and effective communication of results to a diverse group of stakeholders.
Contact Information:
- Ms. Onneth O. Tejada
- Department Head, Statistics
The program includes the study of atmospheric science that focuses on understanding weather processes and forecasting. Meteorology is an interdisciplinary science, drawing on basic knowledge, theories, and laws from a variety of scientific fields including physics, mathematics, and chemistry which aid in developing a strong understanding of the physical and dynamical processes affecting atmospheric motions or behavior.
Graduate Degree Programs
This is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on a holistic and integrative knowledge on the biological, physical, chemical, social, economic, political, and cultural information to explain, analyze, and explore environmental problems and issues. The program primarily develops highly skilled professionals, managers, researchers, educators and other workers who could facilitate and spearhead the conservation of natural and agricultural resources, and promote clean technology, improved environmental health, and sustainable development.
As one of the leading universities in the country in the field of biology, this graduate degree program addresses the needs of the community for highly competent and skilled biologists, and also opens the opportunities for continuous enhancement of the academic and research competencies in the country. It is a three-year doctoral program that envisions to provide advanced academic and research-oriented education to address the need of the country in generating new biological knowledge and technologies geared towards food security, environmental protection, health and sustainability. Each course offering in the curriculum is designed not only to broaden the understanding of concepts in the field, but also to analyze and synthesize current researches so that students should eventually be competent in demonstrating their skills in self-directed scientific research.
The graduate degree program is a coursework program designed to enhance the capabilities of secondary and tertiary teachers handling chemistry. It entails taking up core and elective courses that is designed for advanced and effective training in Chemistry to enhance the capabilities of secondary and tertiary teachers to teach Chemistry, and update them the trends and developments in the subject.
With more than 17 years of existence, the program has produced significant number of graduates who are now working in the government and private companies, research institutions, private and state colleges, universities, high schools and hospitals. With the recent advances in biological research, the proposed revised MS Biology curriculum now offers an advanced-level program for students aspiring to work or currently working in an academic, research or industrial setting. It offers specialization courses in microbiology, ecology, systematics and molecular biology.
The program is designed to train professional chemists, and provide adequate background in the subdisciplines of chemistry including cutting-edge research. The graduates of this program are equipped with advanced skills that will enable them to fill top-level posts in various industries, and make them more capable in leading research projects both in the academe and research institutions. The trademark of this program includes a strong concentration in the broadly defined subjects of chemistry and allied fields, and faculty mentorship that emphasizes the development of each individual student in conducting research, and preparing them with the ability to communicate ideas to various audiences, to engage in self-directed learning, and to participate in activities that promote their own professional growth.
The Master of Science in Environmental Management trains future environmental scientists, educators, managers or decision makers, researchers, community workers, health officers, non-government organization workers so that they could competently address the concerns of their respective agencies or communities in the context of sound environmental management and sustainable development. As such, they could spearhead the greening of the country’s industries, curriculum, business establishments, and rural communities for social and economic growth.
Program Details
- Dr. Angeles M. De Leon
Dept. Head, CTMRD
- Dr. Rich Milton R. Dulay
Dept. Head, Biological Sciences
- Dr. Mary Jhane G. Valentino
Dept. Head, Chemistry
- Dr. Nerissa C. Ramos
Dept. Head Environmental Science and Meteorology
- Dr. Redel L. Gutierrez
Dept. Head, Mathematics and Physics
- Dr. John Rafael M. Antalan
Dept. Head, Statistics
- Ms. Oneth O. Tejada
- Undergraduate
- Masteral
- Bachelors
- Masters
- Doctorate
- Certificate
Experiential Learning
- Capstone
- Internship
- Research Study
Delivery Method
- Face-to-Face
- Undergrad: 4 years
- Masteral: 2 years