op@clsu.edu.ph (044) 940 8785

Central Luzon State University

Science City of Muñoz, 3120 Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Programs Offered

College of Agriculture

The CAg is mostly concerned with the recent aspects of agricultural science and technology and management. It upholds the responsibility of providing quality education in agriculture and allied fields through its world-class facilities and competent faculty members and staff who are committed to continuously produce the necessary mechanism that aims to promote relevant agricultural education in the country.

Contact Information

  • cag@clsu.edu.ph

  • cagclsu

College of Arts and Social Sciences

The CASS focuses on the production and dissemination of knowledge in human and social conditions align with technological and social innovation. It has five departments: Psychology, English and Humanities, Communication and Development Studies, Filipino, and Social Sciences.

Contact Information

  • cass@clsu.edu.ph


College of Business and Accountancy

The College aims to produce quality graduates who are globally competent to assume managerial and leadership roles in accounting, management, economics, and marketing. It also envisions producing entrepreneurs by enhancing entrepreneurship education through the exposure of the students, faculty, and staff to actual business operations and hands-on experience on small and medium enterprises and other income-generating projects. It has two departments: the Accountancy Department and the Business Department.

Contact Information

  • cbaa@clsu.edu.ph

  • clsucba

College of Education

Being a Center of Excellence in Teacher Education, the college aims to train future educators who can give quality education to the students. It envisions implementing a program of advanced education and training in different areas of research, instruction, and development concerns to produce quality leaders in an ever-changing society. It has three departments: Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Advanced Studies in Education.

Contact Information

  • ced@clsu.edu.ph

College of Engineering

As a center of higher learning and scientific research, keeping pace with the University and the national thrusts, the College has carved a name for itself. Its graduates have excelled in the board examinations for engineers and have occupied key management positions on which they have earned national and international recognition for their outstanding works. It has four departments, namely: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Civil Engineering, Information Technology, and Engineering Science.

Contact Information

  • cen@clsu.edu.ph

  • clsu.cen

College of Fisheries

The College provides quality education in fisheries with the vision to fill the need for trained manpower and contribute to sustainable aquaculture development. It has three departments, namely: Aquaculture, Aquatic Post Harvest, and Aquatic Resources, Ecology and Management.

Contact Information

  • cof@clsu.edu.ph

  • collegeoffisheriesclsu

College of Home Science and Industry

The College is geared towards bringing about the development of self-reliant individuals who will be able to contribute to the advancement of family, community, industry and the nation. It has three departments, namely: Fashion and Textile Technology, Food Technology, and Hospitality and Tourism.

Contact Information

  • chsi@clsu.edu.ph

  • clsuchsi

College of Veterinary Science and Medicine

The College envisions to become a multi veterinary institution dedicated to countryside development by providing excellent veterinary education to produce graduates equipped with technical, entrepreneurial, managerial, and leadership skills necessary for optimum animal production. It has three departments, namely: Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences, Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences, and Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences.

Contact Information

  • cvsm@clsu.edu.ph

College of Science

The CoS aims to foster equality among people and empowering communities through quality science and mathematics education. Its duty is to produce globally competent and committed scientists and educators in the different fields of science in preparation for their service in their communities.

Contact Information

  • cos@clsu.edu.ph

  • CLSU.CollegeofScienceOfficial

CLSU Distance, Open, and Transnational University (DOT-Uni)

The CLSU DOT-Uni provides equitable access to higher education to different sections of the society through an alternative, non-residential, and ICT-mediated teaching-learning delivery system.

Contact Information

  • dot-uni@dotclsu.edu.ph

  • clsudotuni