Brief Overview
To bring about agricultural, environmental, and behavioral changes that will improve the lives of people in the community that the University serves, an intensified technology transfer activities through extension modalities are being conducted. These are made possible through partnerships and coalitions with the different local government units (LGUs), National Government Agencies (NGAs), and private institutions, that help mobilize resources and influence systems, enhance relationships among partners, and serve as catalysts for changing policies, programs, and practices.
As such, the University has come a long way in this aspect with the following as some of the major extension activities:
S&T Community-Based Farm (STCBF) Approach for Forage Production

This is a project implemented in selected villages of Bongabon and Lupao, Nueva Ecija which ensured a year-round supply of feed to improve goat productivity. Farmer’s skill and knowledge on improved goat technologies such as upgrading, housing/stall feeding and strategic deworming were enhanced through seminars, hands-on trainings using the Farmer’s Livestock School on Goat Enterprise Development (FLS-GEM) modality, lakbay-aral, cross visits and Farmer’s Field Day. The establishment of forage modules and the adoption of goat technology options resulted in the production of bigger and heavier F1 and F2 progenies with Anglo Nubian or Saanen bloodlines that generated more revenue for the farmer. The STCBF facilitated the empowerment of communities that transformed traditional goat raising from subsistence farming to profitable enterprise.
Technology Village Development Program

One of the biggest challenges for researchers and extension workers is to encourage their target audience to embrace new technologies. In fact, many farmers are still hesitant in adopting new technologies for agrifishery making it more challenging for extensionists to transfer and translate research outputs into meaningful outcomes. This challenge was long accepted by CLSU thus, the birth of the Technology Village Development Program (TVDP). Designed to be implemented for five years, it aims to transform communities into a hub where CLSU generated technologies will be utilized to help families attain far-reaching socio-economic development. To date, a total of 8 barangays with 27 sites are involved in the program; these sites showcased different technologies namely, tilapia grow-out, Aquashade, ItikPinas, Mushroom Spawn Production, Special Purpose Rice, and Dairy Goat. It is expected that through the TVDP, technology dissemination and utilization for countryside development will be accelerated.
Kalanguya Indigenous People-Sustainable Agro-Forestry through Family Empowerment (KIP-SAFE)

Through the KIP-SAFE project, families of Indigenous Peoples (IPs) within the Kalanguya Ancestral Domain in Carranglan, Nueva Ecija were capacitated and undertook sustainable agro-forestry in order to improve their living condition and contribute to watershed and environmental protection. The Kalanguya IPs were provided with trainings and start-up resources to establish agro-forestry and related livelihood enterprise and endeavors environmental consciousness and engagement.