Main Offices

Office of the University President (OUP)
The Office is headed by the University President and has a general power of administration and supervision. As the Chief Executive Officer, he/she supervises the overall operations of the University, specifically the administrative, academic, research and extension, and business processes. Under the OUP are the following offices: International Affairs Office, Strategic Communication Office, and Gender and Development Office.
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Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA)
The Office is responsible in carrying out all educational policies, implementing all programs and projects, and for supervising curricular and other academic activities of the University.
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Office of the Vice President for Research and Extension (OVPRE)
The Office is responsible for carrying out matters pertaining to research, extension services, non-formal education, and training.
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Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs Program (OVPBAP)
The Office is responsible for all the businesses and related activities of the University. Its primary duty is to manage, supervise and enhance all the income generating projects of CLSU to meet its institutional needs towards self-sufficiency.
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Office of the Vice President for Administration (OVPAd)
The Office is responsible for carrying out all administration program operations, planning, and finance matters. It coordinates with other university programs and appropriate government and private agencies to bring about inter-agency complementation and to maximize the use of available resources.
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