op@clsu.edu.ph +6344-456-0688

Central Luzon State University

Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines 3120


CLSU has a dynamic and unique community and a lush and eco-friendly environment that will inspire and bring you comfort. The big bulk of trees will provide you shed when it’s sunny. The buildings and state-of-the-art facilities will give you a different level of modernization. The generated technologies will make you think of the innovations that you can possibly do yourself. The food that tastes like home, and the different parks and picture-perfect campus sites that you will surely and freely enjoy.


Food Park (New Community Market)

CLSU is known as a home-like community, hence there is no need for you to go outside because everything that you need is here. Inside the campus, there is a mini-market dubbed as the famous Old Market wherein you can buy raw products like meat and vegetables, processed foods, home-cooked and resto-like cuisines. Some of the store outlets offer products such as school supplies, photocopying and printing services, and affordable computer/internet services.

Bike Lanes

CLSU is situated in a 654-hectare land, and most of the locations of the different colleges and units are far from each other. Most students are using a bike as their means of transportation while inside the University. To ensure the student’s safety, bike lanes were installed across the lush and environment-friendly university campus.

Leisure Areas

One of the University's trademarks is its picture-perfect scenery of leisure areas located inside the campus. Visitors, students, and other CLSU constituents can unwind and momentarily relieve stress by stopping by the famous CLSU Lagoon where you can enjoy fish feeding, the fresh air, and lush scenery; or go and seat with friends and loved ones at the CLSU Centennial Ground. One can also enjoy the unique architectural design of the Chinese temple and be amazed by some of the historical areas like Rizal Park and Vivencio Saulong Park. The CLSU Lingap Kalikasan and the CLSU Baywatch are also excellent places for people who are seeking a place to unwind, study, meditate or take a break from crowded places. It is a safe haven where you can have peace with scenery that allows one to have a close encounter with nature.

Sunflower Garden

The CLSU Sunflower Garden took over many social media platforms as it went viral in the year 2018. The 4000 square meter sunflower field lined up along the Research Avenue blooms thru the initiative of the CLSU Research Office. It was in the early 70s when the University first started its Sunflower Research and Development (R&D) Project with funding from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and was able to develop its sunflower variety named CLSUN. New varieties of sunflower are expected to blossom in the coming years which will surely bring sunshine within and outside the university not only because of its aesthetic quality but also of its economic value.

CLSU Church

The CLSU Church is open to all students, faculty, and staff, University residents, and other constituents. Anticipated mass is regularly being held every Sunday at 7:30 AM; Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00AM; and Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:30PM.