op@clsu.edu.ph (044) 940 8785

Central Luzon State University

Science City of Muñoz, 3120 Nueva Ecija, Philippines


UBAP as one of the core programs of the University is responsible in the keeping an inventory of the different income generating projects (IGPs), providing assistance in marketing, and facilitating the commercialization of technologies developed by the different R&D centers of the University.


To effectively and efficiently operate and manage agri-based and non-agri-based income generating projects of the University, and to serves as a model in entrepreneurial programs.


  • Manage and supervise all income generating projects by harnessing the University resources, facilities and expertise;
  • Catalyze and complement the instructional, research, extension, and development programs of the University;
  • Provide production, processing, and marketing models to farmers, SUC's and other institutions;
  • Provide quality products and services to faculty, staff and students of the University, and outside clientele/customers;
  • Provide faculty and staff additional opportunities to augment their income and venue for students to earn while they learn;
  • Enhance the income generating capability of the University in meeting its institutional needs and towards self-sufficiency;
  • Assist in the livelihood programs of the government.