Central Luzon State University Programming Team qualified for the championship of Toro Inter-School IT Elite Challenge. Out of 45 schools, 2 teams from the Back-End Category and 3 teams from the Front-End Category will enter the championship round on the 2nd Semester S.Y. 2017-2018.
On September 19-20, 2017 the Toro Limited held the Toro Inter-School IT Elite Challenge. It is an invitational competitional competition in Region III, and possibly in other regions, mainly for the company’s 42 partner schools. The competition consists of 3 categories: Back-End Development, Front-End Development, and System Administration.
Each school who participated registered either a team or a solo participant. A team was composed of a Senior and a Junior participant. The Senior representative will serve as the main representative of the university in his/her respective category.
The Toro Limited held an online qualifying round for all the categories. The competition proper started at 9:00 am and ended at exactly 4:00 pm. Ten (10) competitors will be allowed to compete for the championship round.
The Central Luzon State University (CLSU) Representatives for Back-End Category were Rome Joseph R. Santos (Senior Solo Participant), Francis Oscar T. Magtuto (Senior Participant) and Jerome S. de Leon (Junior Participant), and Precious T. Cachuela (Senior Participant) and Jan Caleb S. Manzano (Junior Participant). The representatives for Front-End Category were all Senior Solo Participant named Jean Liezel B. Dollente, Jean Mariz B. Dollente, Failyn Kaye M. Sedik, and Harley B. Dela Cruz. All the representatives were from the Department of Information Technology – College of Engineering. The online qualifying rounds were held at the Intech Lab inside the CLSU-Information System Institute (ISI), the faculty provided the internet connections for the competitors.
The Back-End Category was the first to compete on the first day of the qualifying rounds. Rome Joseph, which is a solo participant got a score of 330 points, Francis Oscar (Senior Participant) and Jerome (Junior Participant), who compete as a team got a score of 260 points. The said team and solo participant qualified for the championship and will compete for the title of “IT Elite – Back-End Category” on the 2nd Semester S.Y. 2017-2018.
The Front-End Category competes on the next day. Harley who got a score of 40 points, Jean Liezel with 30 points, and Failyn Kaye with 30 points. All of them qualified for the championship and will compete for the title of “IT Elite – Front-End Category” on the 2nd Semester S.Y. 2017-2018.